Acronis has released an update that we have applied to our servers that should resolve this issue.
If you continue to experience restore issues with Acronis, please reach out to our technical support team.
No new information to provide at this time in regards to the Acronis restore process changes
No new information to provide at this time. Acronis have returned to their product team with our concerns to see if a more viable option can be implemented to ensure that during an Acronis restore, your cPanel service will continue to function.
If you need any assistance with performing any restore, please reach out to our support team.
No new information to provide at this time. Acronis have returned to their product team with our concerns to see if a more viable option can be implemented to ensure that during an Acronis restore, your cPanel service will continue to function.
We have had an update from Acronis. Their engineers have mentioned that this is now the intended behaviour to improve security. Our Head of Infrastructure is still liaising with their engineers to find a better solution.
We are aware of issues when restoring directories with Acronis on cPanel hosting services. Permissions are becoming invalid during the restore causing cPanel to not function correctly until the restore is complete.
Our infrastructure team are in talks with Acronis directly to get the issue resolved.
If you need any assistance with performing any restore, please reach out to our support team.
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